Courtesy of Robert Couse-Baker |
The Zoramites basically said "Thank you that we are so much better and smarter than everyone else". If anyone opposed that train of though then their leaders threw those people out of town. I see this mentality everywhere today and it made me think of how snobby people are getting.
Satan leads people away by fine threads and by subtle jabs that get people riled up against one another. Because when we contend with each other we don't have the Spirit with us and we definitely are not thinking about our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
The Zoramites eventually became Lamanites and went on to contend with the remainder of the Nephites. What's interesting is that the Nephites still considered the Lamanites to be their brethren. How often do we get into contention with someone and forget that they are our brothers or sisters?
Recently the First Presidency reminded us of this with regards to refugees. Thinking about the state of welfare in the United States and the refugee crisis. Mosiah 4:11-28 came to my attention and I read verses 17 & 18:
17 Perhaps thou shalt say: The man has brought upon himself his misery; therefore I will stay my hand, and will not give unto him of my food, nor impart unto him of my substance that he may not suffer, for his punishments are just
18 But I say unto you, O man, whosoever doeth this the same hath great cause to repent; and except he repenteth of that which he hath done he perisheth forever, and hath no interest in the kingdom of God.Moroni tries to remind us that we must remember where we came from or we will lose the protection of God. This includes when we get too haughty and full of ourselves. Elder David A. Bednar recently gave a devotional address at Brigham Young University Idaho. In this address he reiterated a warning that he has given previously.
“In the authority of the holy Apostleship, I now raise a voice of warning and make a solemn promise. If the day ever were to come that intellectual arrogance, a lack of appreciation, and a spirit of demanding entitlement take root on this campus —among the students, faculty, employees or the administration, or within the community — then in that day the Spirit of Ricks will be well on the way to being extinguished — and the heavenly influence and blessings that have prospered this institution and the people associated with it will be withdrawn. Conversely, as long as intellectual modesty, humility, gratitude, obedience, and frugality continue to characterize those who learn and serve at BYU–Idaho, then this university will shine forth ever brighter as a beacon of righteousness and of inspired educational innovation.”I cannot help but be worried about that warning and how people all around the world are having attitudes of superiority. The dangers of becoming "snobs" are immense and yet it's easy for Satan to lead us down that path.