Saturday, March 26, 2016

The Book of Ether

This week I've been studying from the Book of Ether.  This happens to be one of my favorite books in the Book of Mormon because it ties back to the Old Testament and also incorporates the New Testament.  It's all the scriptures in one book.  Bear with me as I try to explain why I say that statement.

The Book of Ether starts with a genealogical record of Ether's heritage.  It goes all the way back to Jared whose family was present at the Tower of Babel (Old Testament).  When God confounded the language of the people Jared knew that he needed his brother's help.  Jared's brother was a prophet, seer and revelator for God.

On multiple occasions Jared asks his brother to go to God on behalf of himself and others.  First to protect their language.  Once more to ask for protection for their friends and family.  And again for direction on where to go as God scatters the people.

As Jared's family and friends are led to their land of promise they become complacent.  Even the mighty brother of Jared succumbs to the distractions of life and is chastised by God.  Afterward he repents and rededicates himself to following God's commandments and counsel at all times.

At this point God instructs the brother of Jared to build barges to cross the sea.  The barges are built so well that they are completely sealed to block out water, light, and air.  Jared didn't argue the point before building them.  He simply did as commanded and then asked for clarification on how they were to breathe.  God gives the simple answer of creating stoppable holes for air.

Brother of Jared Sees the Finger of the Lord
by Robert Barrett, detail courtesy of Book of Mormon Insights
The brother of Jared could have done this himself.  He could have inferred the solution.  However he did not doubt God's plan and simply went with the instruction given.  He then asked for God's direction rather than guessing at what God wanted.

After this the brother of Jared wants to know how the people would see while in the eight barges.  This time he does take some action.  He smelts sixteen translucent stones and asks God to make them into lights for the eight barges.  This is not an order given to God but rather a humble request acknowledging that it is needed due to weakness.

Now comes my favorite part.  Because of his faith; the brother of Jared witnesses the finger of the Lord as He touches the stones one-by-one.  He feels unworthy to witness this and says as much.  But instead his faith is acknowledged and he gets to see the body of the Lord.  Only now does he find out that he has been talking with Jesus Christ Himself (New Testament).  The brother of Jared is shown many things and given commandment to write them up in a sealed language to be revealed only when the people are ready.

We now have the Old Testament meeting up with the New Testament in the experience of one man acting on the commandments of God and exercising his faith.  What becomes even more remarkable is read in Ether 3:19 where we learn that the brother of Jared no longer needs faith because he now has a sure knowledge of the truth "nothing doubting".

One other point I want to make is in regards to the sixteen stones designated as lights for the barges.  That number would mean there would be two lights per barge.  Why two?  My mind immediately looks at the symbolism of the scriptures again.  The Bible and The Book of Mormon.  Two witnesses of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Or, again, the Old and New Testaments.  Two sources of light (truth).